Saturday, 13 December 2008

Pamphlet Design - how to create text.

When customers give us text for a pamphlet design, it is invariably too much. There is a tendancy for any information literature to load it full of text, believing that the audience is after as much information as they can get. This is not the case. What the audience is really after is to be given the keypoints in as easily digestable form as possible. So how can you cut down the text to include in a pamphlet design? Well, firstly, you need to think hard about your audience. Just because you, as the owner of the business, are interested in the details of a certain product or service, it doesn't mean that your audience are interested in the same type or depth of information. Have you ever been to a party where one of the guests simply won't shut up about the details of their boring job? - don't do this in your pamphlet design. Be very selective about which information you include and keep it brief, remembering always about what your audience might be interested in. Bullet points are a fantastic way of sumarising the important information for easy digestion and can quickly point out the key benefits. Highlighting the benefits in your pamphlet design, of course, is what it is all about so always review the information with this in mind. Try to connect all the information to a key benefit. i.e. 'Established since 1980' becomes 'With over 25 years experience'. 'Made from aluminium' becomes 'Constructed from strong and light aluminium'. Don't rely on the reader making conclusions (people read advertising literture fast and light), be blantent and unsubtle. Lastly, think about the structure of the information in the pamphlet design. Don't simply have one long narrative. Split your information into different headings so readers can easily find the information they are looking for. Title these sections with headings likely to catch people's interest. It is important to put life into your text, so try to inject some enthusiasm into the tone - even if the subject is not that thrilling. Visit the Add Design website for more information on printing design.

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